Thursday, January 8, 2009

Big Bear 2008/09

Hudson rocking it like Elvis

On New Years Eve we took the kids to Big Bear for the first time. We spent 4 nights with Matt's parents in a neat cabin in Fawnskin, about 10 minutes from downtown. You should've seen how packed our Excursion was...3 pack n plays, 3 high chairs, a play yard gate, A LOT of toys, snow clothes, warm clothes, sleepers...etc. Good thing we had a big car so there was room for
Matt and I.

There was a bunch of snow up there, it covered the ground and cabin. It was beautiful. While we were there it even snowed a little more.

One of the days, we went to town with the kids and put them in front backs as we walked down the main street. The kids loved it, waving at everyone they saw.

The day we took the kids in the snow we bundled them up so much that we put the little kid in Christmas story to shame. If they fell back, it was pretty hard for them sit back up without assistance...sorry kids :) They weren't so sure at first but then they seemed to enjoy the feel of the snow. Of course our princess Abbey did not like being out in the cold, so she didn't get to experience the full effect of the time. Oh well, just an excuse to go again. Grandpa Ed put them on a blanket and pulled them around like they were on a sled and they liked that.

We want to wish everyone a Happy New Year. May 2009 be a blessed year for you and your family.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Christmas 2008

This wasn't the kids first Christmas, but it was their first Christmas at home and they had fun. Lots of family, Christmas parties and toys galore. And the kids (and mom and dad) survived the holiday season.

We had a huge play yard set up in the living room and believe it or not, the kids didn't even pay attention to the huge tree with lights and ornaments on it, thank goodness.

We saw Santa for the first time at Rogers Gardens and the triplets were intrigued by the guy with the bushy beard. No tears were shed, this time...but we took the kids to see Santa at the Laguna Hills Mall and we had our first crier. Hudson wailed! Took one look at the guy and screamed. Pretty hilarious for me, don't think the fat guy thought so :) Oh well, we got some good shots the first go around.

A look back....




I wanted to post some pictures of the kids while they were in the hospital one year ago so you could all see how far they come and how much they have overcome..

Well it was definately a rough ride. In June of 2007 I found out that I was pregnant. A couple weeks later we saw the ultrasound and was quite surprised on how many heartbeats we saw.
In September 2007, I was put on home bed rest and had to file for disability.

November 9th I went in for a regular check-up and was rushed into the hospital with contractions at 24 weeks. That was definately a scary weekend. I spent Thanksgiving in the hospital, my dad and step-mom made a wonderful meal and brought it to the hospital so we had Thanksgiving dinner in my room :)

Hooked up to IV's and given lots of crazy medicines, I was able to stay in the hospital for another 4 1/2 weeks when the kids arrived December 9th, 2007 at 2:18pm, 11 weeks early.

It was a scary time, I didn't even get to hold the babies as they were rushed right into the Neonatal unit. It took a whole day until I was able to see the kids for the first time. Christmas and New Years of 2007/08 was hard, trying to enjoy the holidays, spending hours at the hospital wondering what will come tomorrow.
We had 100's of people praying for these babies and we felt it. Everyday they were improving and God was giving us patience. And 6 weeks after they were born, Abbey came home. On Valentine's Day, 10 weeks after birth, Hudson came home. And one week later, Wyatt made it home too :)
Hudson weighed 2lbs., 7 oz
Wyatt 2lbs., 3 oz
Abbey 2lbs. 1 oz

Now almost 1 year later...

Hudson weighs 20lbs., and Wyatt and Abbey weigh a little over 18lbs. Everyone is healthy and on track developmentally for their adjusted age :)

Day at the Zoo and Random pics

The pictures below are just a couple of random ones that really didn't have a category to go under ;)
Thanks Christy for our sweaters!

Our trip to Santa Barbara

The kids actual birthday was on December 9th. Matt took the day off and we took them to the Santa Ana zoo for the first time. There's not much to this zoo, but the kids had a great time riding on the train, the carousel and watching the monkeys swing in their cages.

First Birthday Party-Nov 30, 2008

I think I started planning this party when the kids were about 7 months old. I know it's crazy but for me, this was a HUGE milestone. These babies are fighters and had quite a first year so I wanted it to be a memorable one. They say the first birthday is basically for the parents, which it was but I still wanted to do it for them :)

We had lots of family members there and all our close friends came too. It was a great party, pirate and tinkerbell themed.

The kids were troopers, having missed their afternoon nap they were having fun.

They got to have sugar for the first time, I made their individual cakes. It was great to see them try it out.

Each one had a different way on digging in...Abbey was such a girl. So dainty, she picked at the cake with two fingers only. Hudson went full force with both hands, arms, whatever was needed. The cake was all over his face, in his eyes, on his hair. Then Wyatt was digging in with one hand and enjoying it so much that he was trying to steal Abbey's cake too :)

Fun times!!!

The video below is of the birthday song, notice Hudson dancing. He loves music!