Tuesday, January 6, 2009

First Birthday Party-Nov 30, 2008

I think I started planning this party when the kids were about 7 months old. I know it's crazy but for me, this was a HUGE milestone. These babies are fighters and had quite a first year so I wanted it to be a memorable one. They say the first birthday is basically for the parents, which it was but I still wanted to do it for them :)

We had lots of family members there and all our close friends came too. It was a great party, pirate and tinkerbell themed.

The kids were troopers, having missed their afternoon nap they were having fun.

They got to have sugar for the first time, I made their individual cakes. It was great to see them try it out.

Each one had a different way on digging in...Abbey was such a girl. So dainty, she picked at the cake with two fingers only. Hudson went full force with both hands, arms, whatever was needed. The cake was all over his face, in his eyes, on his hair. Then Wyatt was digging in with one hand and enjoying it so much that he was trying to steal Abbey's cake too :)

Fun times!!!

The video below is of the birthday song, notice Hudson dancing. He loves music!

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