Monday, November 3, 2008

This past week

The kids first Halloween came and went so fast...

Friday we took the kids to my parents neighbors house where the kids were a hit.

Saturday our church had a Harvest party and we took the kids to that as well.

The kids did great on both accounts, which means it may be getting easier to take them out.

The previous week we had even taken the kids down to San Diego were we stayed the night. Amazing how much room is needed to set up 3 pack n plays. But we did it and the kids slept through the night and enjoyed being in a different location.

Below is a video of Wyatt's new thing, standing up in his crib. He pulls up on anything he can, I have a feeling that he will be walking soon. He's even trying to go up the stairs now.


I found these special poems on another triplet mommys' site:

So many good things come in threes,
Like Musketeers and ABC's.
But triplets are the best of all
From little ones to those quite tall.
Its extra laughter, triple grins.
With Joys and mischief's multiplies
And two defenders by each side.
So much alike forever linked,
And yet they're also quite distinct.
They share a birthday and a name,
But moods and tempers aren't the same.
From days of youth till life is done,
Its one for all and all for one.
We're all quite novel and precise,
But special folks-God made them thrice!

There're three to wash,
there're three to dry.
There're three to argue,
There're three to cry
Two are in the mud having a ball,
The other holds a crayon,
just look at the wall!
Some days seem endless,
my patience leaves me.
Why was I chosen to be a mother of three?
The answer comes clear at the end of each day.
As I tuck them in bed and to myself I say
There're three to kiss, there're three to hug.
And best of all there're three to love!